Thursday 1 March 2012

!My stop motion animation project!

For my Project I have decided to do a stop motion animation, The theme is rally, so Im going to get 2 rally cars and make them race with brown modeling clay for the dirt track, I aim for my video to be around 30s long, With perhaps dub step played behind the car sound effects. I can also take advantage of the camera angles, i could have a top down view as a drift happens.

Thursday 23 February 2012


one of my many ideas of my model animation, cars racing in the rally, with scenery,and rallying on the dirt most of all.

Thursday 2 February 2012


FITC Toronto 2011 Titles from FITC on Vimeo.

Cell-based animation is where each cell is reproduced and variations are made to the next cell. This continues until there is a series of cells. Each cell is slightly different from the previous. It gives the appearance of movement, thus animation.

An excellent example of cell-based animation is to watch any of the Disney movies especially Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. All cells were hand drawn and painted.

Path-based animation where the first (original) cell or frame is drawn and the last cell or frame is drawn. The software then fills in the gaps between (tweening) these two frames, giving the appearance of movement. An example of path-based animation is the ballroom scene from the Disney movie, Beauty and the Beast.

Thursday 26 January 2012

My own video remix- milkshake guy

I simply got the video from a website and put a different song thats on the video, to add humor. I liked the guys moves, think the song went well with the excellent performer

Putting sound on video, using Apples Garage band!

I opened the video using garage band, imported the video over, then imported the music over, and i cut the beginning of the of the song to delete the drum role in the beginning. Then i faded the music out with the end of the video

Thursday 24 November 2011


My men in black animation, features MODEL BASED animation, to make this i took 3 pictures a second to make movements look realistic.